Insurance Info

At Total Body Physical Therapy we are in-network providers with Traditional Medicare only. The 2024 Medicare deductible is $240.00. Met your threshold? No problem! Because we are up to date with current CMS rules Medicare continues to pay for services beyond thresholds. The only thing that changes is the way we handle our paperwork and billing. Your care, as long as it is medical necessary continues.

For all other insurances, we have a great concierge rate. Our rates are very competitive if not the lowest in Sarasota. All appointments are one hour one-on-one manual therapy concentrating on you. As a courtesy, we can bill your insurance to help expedite reimbursement if you have out of network benefits.

Please contact us today for more information on our service charges and payment details.

Disclaimer: Health plans do change on a regular basis without prior notification. We recommend that you check with your health plan to clarify what physical therapy benefits are available to you.